Georgia Block VIIB
Georgia Licence Block VIIB have the total area of 1175 km2, locatedin West Georgia. Bounded by Black Sea on thewest & land on other sides and the west bordergoes along the Black Sea coast for 75 km and above 350 msl currently.
Oil and gas in the region related to the different ages, formations from Jurassic to Quaternary. In the wells of the North part of the License Block oil and gas show were from Neocomian and Aptian limestones. Oil seeps on the surface are related with middle Eocene volcanogenic deposits. Oil shows from wells and seeps on surface from Neogene deposits are known from the different areas of the block.
In total, more than 28 million tons of oil and 3 billion cubic meters of gas have been produced from these fields.
- Oil reserves- Georgia has 2.16 million metric tons of proven oil reserves, though only a small amount has been exploited.
- Natural gas reserves- Georgia has an estimated 1.9 billion cubic meters of domestic natural gas reserves, but little is being produced.
- International pipelines – Georgia is home to the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline, which transports oil from Azerbaijan to Turkey, and the Baku-Supsa pipeline, which transports oil from the Caspian Basin to Western markets.